
The ability to work in partnership and build relationships is paramount for quality midwifery care. One of the many things that our program is wanting to do is to be the support service for the midwives on the ground, to provide more midwifery services in the remote areas. We have been able to build a good relationship with one of our local Karen midwives who serves a large and remote part of Karen State. She has taken to bringing a number of women to the T-RAD clinic at a time for review, and to get their tetanus immunisations.

Naw Aye Sandar was one of these women who was brought for review. She was pregnant with her first baby. As time drew closer to her due date, it became apparent that the head was not wanting to engage into the pelvis. We were able to scan and rule out anything blocking the baby's head, and also to make sure the baby's head was of normal size. While there was a risk that the baby's head wasn't going to engage, this mother wanted to try for a normal birth. We made a plan that allowed for a normal delivery if possible, and if not, there was immediate access to surgical services. This beautiful baby boy was not able to put his head into the pelvis, but his mother was able to promptly have a safe C section. There was no cause for concern as we had together made a plan that she was happy with. This new family is back at home and are doing very well.


EMA Lead Midwife & SPM Maternal Health Project Coordinator

Monica Parker is from New South Wales, Australia and is a registered nurse and midwife. She has been living and working in Thailand and Myanmar since 2009 and is the Co-ordinator of SPM’s Maternal Health Program. She is seconded to work with Earth Mission Asia’s Physician Assistant program based in Kyaukkyi, Myanmar. It is Monica’s dream to train a strong core of professional midwives to serve the Karen people in the remote areas of Karen State. She also wants to help set professional standards in maternal health care. This includes identification and appropriate management of high-risk pregnancy and birth.

Mon is based in Kayaukkyi, Myanmar. She is married to Saw Eh Hsu and, they have two precious twin boys.

Joy Dyer